Are you planning to sell your business or change your business structure? Here are some helpful tips on how to handle your payments during this change.
- Sale of Business
If you are planning on selling the business, please let us know as early as possible. If the new owners are signing up with Smartpay, we can potentially organise bonuses for referring them, and to make sure the closing and hand-over process is ready for your last day of trading.
- Change of ABN Number or Business Structure
If you’re changing your business name, ABN Number or business structure, please call us to inform us of the change as a new account may be created and in that instance, a new terminal will be sent out to you.
- Change of Business Address
To ensure your business address is correct on the receipts, please let us know when the address for the business changes. This also ensures that any future replacement terminals, paper roll orders etc. arrive at the correct address.
Security and Your Smartpay Terminal
Your Smartpay payment terminal is a financial device and terminal security is important. The following points will help you and your team keep your Smartpay terminal safe.
- Do not let unauthorised people tamper with your terminal. Always verify the identity of any third-party persons claiming to be repair or maintenance personnel before granting them access to modify or troubleshoot your device. You can ask for photo identification or call Customer Service to verify.
- If you need to change your terminal, do not install, replace, or return devices without verification. Contact Smartpay, we will always send you a pre-paid reply envelope to return any device, free of charge.
- If you observe suspicious behaviour and indications of device tampering or substitution, report the incident as soon as possible to your store manager or owner, and contact Smartpay.
- Your staff at point-of-sale locations are important to the security of your terminal so ensure they receive training and are aware of the procedures to detect and report attempted tampering or replacement of devices.