Noodle Box Saves $30k Annually Switching To Smartpay Zero Cost™ EFTPOS

Noodle Box Franchise
Attention to detail matters when you cook hundreds of meals to order every night.

It also matters when you’re building a business, says Antonio, the owner of three Noodle Box franchises in Victoria.
“When you are trying to grow a franchise, paying attention to your costs is critical."

So when he saw card fee costs spiralling out of control, he acted and called Smartpay about Smartpay Zero Cost™ EFTPOS.

“Switching to Smartpay Zero Cost™ EFTPOS is saving me about $30,000 every year. That is so significant,” Antonio says.

The changing tastes of payments in Australia

When Antonio opened his first restaurant in 2003, people paid in cash, but he watched that change dramatically in recent years.

“Everyone now wants to pay by tap and go, either with their card or phone. The problem is I'm the one who pays."

According to the Royal Bank of Australia, only 13% of payments were in cash in 2022 – half of what they were in 2019 – while card payments made up 76% of all payments.

Smartpay Zero Cost™ EFTPOS offers a new recipe for success

“At first, I introduced a minimum spend for credit payments, however, the growing fees were eating into my profit margin. I had to find an alternative solution,” says Antonio.

That’s when he discovered Smartpay Zero Cost™ EFTPOS.

Unlike traditional EFTPOS solutions, which charge merchants a transaction fee, Smartpay Zero Cost™ EFTPOS passes the cost onto the customer as a surcharge, which the terminal calculates automatically.

“We trialled Smartpay Zero Cost™ EFTPOS in one business first and then introduced it to my other businesses after a few months.”
"By the time I opened my third business in 2022, we were all in: we've had Smartpay Zero Cost™ EFTPOS there from day one."
Noodle Box Franchise

Transparency is the not-so-secret ingredient

After introducing surcharging into three businesses, Antonio has advice for other companies considering the move.

"The most important thing is to be upfront with your customers and be transparent about the fees."

“We place signs on the counter and explain the charge before people pay. It’s widespread now, and people are used to it,” Antonio explains.

“Most customers are happy to pay the small fee for the convenience. We still have customers who prefer to pay in cash, and that’s fine too.”

"It's a very small surcharge to the customer, but a huge saving for the business."

Plug, play and profit with Smartpay

It’s not just the saving that have made a difference for Antonio; it’s the Smartpay service too.

“Smartpay made switching from my bank very easy and seamless.”

"The terminals arrived immediately, and it was a simple plug-in-and-play scenario."

“There is so much to like. We love how you have different connection options like a SIM card, Wi-Fi and Ethernet. We love how the terminal arrives pre-programmed, and we do not have to think about it,” Antonio says.

"I have nearly 30 full and part-time staff across our three businesses, and no training is required."

Creating growth and supersized savings

“We continue to grow and estimate we are now saving $2,500 per month across the three businesses.”

“We have reinvested the savings into local area marketing and social media to help grow the business and have seen the results of this advertising. In the past, we did not have these funds.”

"Smartpay really has made a difference to our business' growth."

How one Noodle Box franchise is benefiting with Smartpay

Savings Per Year
Based in
Hand holding phone tapping Android terminal surrounded by cafe items

Want to Save Like Noodle Box Franchise?

Easy-breezy EFTPOS is just a click away! Join 35,000+ happy customers, contact us now.