POS Integration: How to Generate SmartConnect Pairing Code

Your Smartpay terminal can integrate with different point-of-sale (POS) systems. To find out a list of available integrations, click here.

To generate a SmartConnect pairing code for integration, follow these steps:

  1. Press MENU
  2. Press (5) SERVICE MENU
  3. Enter Password – (SOPTFE) 767833 and press ENTER key
  4. Press (5) POS INTERFACE
  5. Press NEXT
  6. Enter Password – (KEYPAD) 539723 and press ENTER key
  7. Press (1) PAIR TO POS
  8. Exit the menu
  9. Your terminal will display pairing prompt: “DEVICE NOT PAIRED – PAIR IT NOW?
  10. Press YES
  11. D210e will then display the pairing code

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